The Toronto Police Baseball team is made up of Police Officers that have played at different levels ranging from house league to university right up to the professional level.
The baseball team was originally formed in 2011 in order to compete in the World Police and Fire Games in New York City. Since then the team has had great success including winning championships in emergency responder tournaments. The team has since represented Toronto in two more WPFG competing against teams such as NYPD, LAPD, FDNY, SFPD and several other police and fire teams.
The Toronto Police Baseball team is a “tournament style team” that competes in several tournaments throughout the baseball season. The team also enjoys playing exhibition games against different Toronto high schools in order to help build a strong relationship between the kids and officers.
If you are interested in joining the Toronto Police Baseball team please contact the TPAAA Baseball chair Rob Furyk at [email protected] for further details.